Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"What the French, Toast?"


Dirty mouth?

As a teacher and lover of kids, I need to be careful about the words that I choose to say aloud.  I also love playing with words, and making up expressions.  If you (like most people!) have ever had a dirty mouth, how did you (or would you) choose to "clean it up?"  For example, instead of saying "Shut the f@$k up!" a friend of mine came up with, "Shut the front door!"  Would love for you to share your gosh darn filthy-turned-clean creativity.

Here's a little motivation from one of my favorite all time commercials:

1 comment:

Jill said...

I don't think I'll ever forget the word "frate" You need to trademark that!

I'm terrible at the cussing and use the abbreviation instead of saying it,'s just as bad :(

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